Genuino Clandestino, il libro

By michelelapini | agosto, 28, 2014 | 0 comments

GENUINO CLANDESTINO Viaggio tra le agri-culture resistenti ai tempi delle grandi opere Testi di Michela Potito e Roberta Borghesi Fotografie di Sara Casna e Michele Lapini Postfazione di Wu Ming 2 (in uscita a marzo 2015, edito da Terra Nuova) Blog: Mail:


By michelelapini | aprile, 24, 2014 | 0 comments

“citizens of nowhere”, new project coming soon

By michelelapini | marzo, 24, 2014 | 0 comments

Illustration by Hanuka Lohrengel

Getty Images and the photographers

By michelelapini | marzo, 9, 2014 | 0 comments

“Getty Images makes 35 million images free in fight against copyright infringement” Full article by British Journal of Photograpy My interview on Radio Città del Capo (in italian)

“CITIZENS OF NOWHERE” – a new project coming soon..

By michelelapini | marzo, 7, 2014 | 0 comments

“Citizens of nowhere” Almost 300.000 people in Latvia are “non-citizens”, around 14% of total population. Today, the “non-citizens” are denied many of the basic rights enjoyed by citizens of other European Union member states. This project tell the stories of “non-citizens” people in Latvia, who have the biggest population of “non-citizens” in Europe.

Welcome Short Stories!

By michelelapini | gennaio, 14, 2014 | 0 comments

Nasce “Short Stories“! *Short Stories is a small “site-corner”. Few days of shooting, just one day or even less.”

Cemen-TI-AMO – a multimedia preview

By michelelapini | giugno, 10, 2013 | 0 comments

A preview of my long-term project Cemen-Ti-Amo, about the overbuilding phenomenon and the increasing of the consumption of soil. More photos here: Soundtrack: John and Philippe Petit – Lethe If you are interested, feel free to contact me: info AT

Greece – 15/29th May 2013

By michelelapini | maggio, 14, 2013 | 0 comments

I will be in Greece for two weeks. Available for assignments, collaborations and coffee . Contact: info AT

Photographic Museum Award 2013

By michelelapini | febbraio, 28, 2013 | 0 comments

“Two months later” – Earthquake in Emilia-Romagna (IT) My Entry for the Photographic Museum Award 2013

Proiezione inchiesta “La situazione abitativa a Bologna”

By michelelapini | febbraio, 23, 2013 | 0 comments

Mercoledi 27 febbraio alle ore 15.30 – Cinema Lumière (Bologna) Proiezione della mia inchiesta “La situazione abitativa a Bologna” – 15 min realizzata per PubblicoBene

Sony World Photography Awards.

By michelelapini | febbraio, 6, 2013 | 0 comments

My image has been commended in the top 50 images in the Smile Category in the Open Competition of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards. View the photo here

Corso di Fotografia Digitale

By michelelapini | novembre, 28, 2012 | 0 comments

CORSO DI FOTOGRAFIA DIGITALE La Spora – via S.Leonardo 4, Bologna Il corso si rivolge a chi desidera iniziare ed approfondire il tema della fotografia digitale. Il percorso prevede 4 incontri di 2 ore ciascuno, al termine dei quali i partecipanti acquisiranno nozioni teoriche ed un buon grado di autonomia e padronanza nello scatto fotografico. more »

No Monti Day

By michelelapini | ottobre, 28, 2012 | 0 comments

First national demonstration against the Monti’s Goverment and the BCE. Photoreportage on

Inchiesta sulla situazione abitativa a Bologna – Michele Lapini

By michelelapini | agosto, 10, 2012 | 0 comments

Blockupy Demonstration in Frankfurt |

By michelelapini | maggio, 21, 2012 | 0 comments

Blockupy Demonstration in Frankfurt |

1st May demonstration in Bologna |

By michelelapini | maggio, 1, 2012 | 0 comments

1st May demonstration in Bologna |

Workshop – “Live Music Photography & Reportage”

By michelelapini | marzo, 20, 2012 | 0 comments

L’Ass. di Promozione Sociale Diversi Uguali, in collaborazione con il fotografo Michele Lapini, organizza il Workshop Fotografico “Live Music Photography and Reportage”. Teoria e pratica della fotografia di concerti e costruzione del reportage del Ne Pas Couvrir! Festival 2012. Gli incontri teorici serviranno per gettare le basi del lavoro che i partecipanti dovranno realizzare durante i more »

ACTIVISTA! New issue by Citypulse on Vimeo

By michelelapini | marzo, 20, 2012 | 0 comments

ACTIVISTA! New issue by Citypulse [teaser] from citypulse on Vimeo. Pubblication in the ACTIVISTA! Issue by CityPulse Read the full issue here:

Back to Bologna

By michelelapini | marzo, 19, 2012 | 0 comments

Some news soon…

Basilicata, Italy – Available for assignments

By michelelapini | marzo, 6, 2012 | 0 comments

I’m in Basilicata for some days. Available for assignments, feel free to contact

2012 – World Press Photo

By michelelapini | febbraio, 10, 2012 | 0 comments

Amazing works! World Press Photo.

5 november 2001 – Exhibition “Visi diversi attorno a te” – Bologna (IT)

By michelelapini | ottobre, 30, 2011 | 0 comments

5 NOVEMBRE 2011 – INAUGURAZIONE Palazzo Re Enzo – Bologna  Una delle mie foto è stata selezionata per l’esposizione collettiva “Visi diversi attorno a te.  Tutti i mondi di una citta’“. Info: Start – Laboratorio di Culture Creative | Fondazione Marino Golinelli | Piazza Re Enzo Bologna, Voltone del Podestà, 40125 Bologna Tel. +39.051.6489592

QUITO (EC) – from september to december 2011

By michelelapini | ottobre, 15, 2011 | 0 comments

Available for assignments, exhibitions and collaborations. Feel free to contact me: Phone: +593.83801984